Raman Charpak Fellowship

This program intends to develop and strengthen Indo-French scientific cooperation through close collaboration between Indian and French laboratories.
The Raman–Charpak Fellowship programme is in honour of two Nobel Laureates in Physics, Prof C.V. Raman, Indian Nobel Laureate (1930) and Prof Georges Charpak, French Nobel Laureate (1992). The Fellowship was launched during the State visit of the President of France to India during in February, 2013. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of doctoral students between the two countries, in order to broaden the scope and depth of future engagements in Science, Technology and Innovation.
This programme implemented by the Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA) aims at improving the doctoral skills of Indian and French students by providing them an opportunity to carry out part of their research work in a University / Research & Development Institute based in France or India respectively.
This programme is now also open to French Master Students, who wish to spend some time in India in accordance to their curriculum. It aims at improving the Masters skills of French students by providing them an opportunity to carry out internship work in a University / Research Institute based in India.
2 to 6 months
Atmospheric Sciences, Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Materials Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Biological Sciences, Life and Medical Sciences, Mathematical and Computational Sciences.
Applicants from India must be Indian citizens residing in India who have registered for a PhD in a recognized university or research institution in India
Applicants from France must be residing in France who have registered for a PhD/masters in a recognized university or research institution in France
Have a Master’s degree (in science, technology or medicine) from a recognized University/Institute.
Age: Maximum 30 years
Students once supported by CEFIPRA, also in the framework of CEFIPRA projects, and students who have a permanent position in institutions/universities are not eligible
The applicant should have pre-authorization or prior consent from his/her Institute/University to apply for a foreign fellowship program.
For an Indian Fellow: Fellowship Support of 1500 Euros per month for daily expenses, local travel, accommodation charges plus Social Security charges
For a French Fellow: Fellowship support Rs. 40,000 per month for daily expenses, local travel, etc. plus accommodation charges not exceeding Rs. 45,000 per month
One return airfare ticket in economy class between India and France
Insurance coverage (travel & health) wherever required
Any administrative costs for Visa and Registration, if any
Carte de Sejour, if any
Additional support (up to Euro 500 for Indian Fellows and equivalent support in Indian Rupees for French Fellows) for participating in a Seminar/Workshop during their term of the fellowship and stay in their host countries; limited to registration fees, travel & accommodation charges.
Note: No support will be provided for the family members during the Fellowship period.
The proposal must include the following information (in English):
Detailed description of the research project (up to 5 pages) stating the title of Research work with an explanation of how the planned work will benefit the candidate during his/her stay in proposed Research Institute / University in France /India.
Candidates must also enclose the following documents:
A CV (up to 3 pages) with recent photograph including summary of achievements and research interests, list relevant publications, etc.
A letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. supervisor in his/her native lab.
A letter of recommendation and agreement from the proposed supervisor in the fellowship lab (Foreign Research Institute / University).
PhD synopsis or short summary of PhD work (up to 3 pages only).
Research experience letter or publications as proof (first author or co-author).
No objection certificate from Head of the Institution.
Scanned copy of highest degree certificate.
Scanned copy of PhD registration letter.
A scan copy of passport (both front and back).
A recent photograph.
* The proposal document must respect the lengths indicated above. It is strongly encouraged to apply early for timely processing rather than towards the end of the deadline. Please ensure that you completely fill the form and then submit. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
*The host institution/university of Indian applicants must be in France and vice versa for the French applicants.
*If the application is successfully submitted, candidate should not apply again.
Apply online at RCF Portal through an online submission system
More details on WEBSITE
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