MOPGA 2025: Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers

Launched by France’s President Emmanuel Macron in 2018, the Make Our Planet Great Again initiative has met with worldwide enthusiasm, generating expressions of interest from a large number of highly qualified researchers.
Who can apply?
The 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or COP26 take place from 31 October to 12 November in Glasgow (United Kingdom). France, as a major actor in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of Paris Agreement, implements a new MOPGA visiting fellowship program that aims to take part in the strengthening of science contribution to the challenges raised by the COPs.
France’s Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI) in collaboration with Campus France, have implemented a visiting fellowships program for young researcher, Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA), to welcome young foreign researchers wishing to conduct further research in France.
The MOPGA Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers will be supporting researchers working on topics related to:
- earth system sciences,
- climate change and sustainability sciences,
- energy transition,
- societal challenges of environmental issues,
- human, animal and ecosystem health as part as a "One Health" approach.
For more information, visit the dedicated page.
Individuals fitting the following criteria are eligible to apply:
- Researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years (must have passed their thesis defense between December 2019 and December 2024)
- Researchers who have not resided in France between September 5th, 2024 and December 5th, 2024 (more than 90 days)
- All foreign nationals except French
60 fellowships will be awarded over a 12-month period from September 2025. The fellowship includes the following benefits:
- Monthly allowance of 2,500 euros
- Moving allowance of 500 euros
- Support for social security coverage
- Support for complimentary health insurance
A visiting fellowship agreement with the French host institution will be established between the institutions and the laureates. It will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory in France so that the researcher can carry out the research project.
Selection process
Consistent with the aims and requirements of this call for applications, the selection process will unfold in two phases. In the first phase, scientific experts in the covered fields will evaluate the applications received. In the second phase, an international jury will make the final selection of candidates to receive support.
Application process
Applications should be submitted via the following LINK along with the following documents
- CV including the list of your publications in English (4 pages max)
- PhD Diploma (or certificate of PhD diploma)
- CV of your research supervisor in the French host institution (2 pages max.)
- Letter of support from the French host institution
- Letters of recommendation (3 max.)
- Passport or proof of ID
Description of the Fellowship Program
- Title of the Project
- Keywords (6)
- Abstract of the Research Project (2,000 characters max.)
- Context and Motivation (2,000 characters max.)
- Scientific Objectives (2,000 characters max.)
- Methodology and Planning report (4,500 characters max.)
- Project position in relation with the MOPGA scientific domain (2,000 characters max.)
- Collaborations and/or impacts for the candidate's country of residence in relation to the research project proposal (2,000 characters max.)
- September 5th, 2024: Application period opens
- December 5th, 2024: Application period ends
- May 2025 : Notification of the results
- Between September 2025 and December 2025 (at the latest): Arrival in France and start of the fellowship
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